Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 14 and 15th
It has been over 48 hours since the rain began to fall, and it has yet to stop. Day one found me on the dock in the classroom for five hours of card games. No matter if you are from the U.S, Germany, Austria or the Netherlands you will sing along with Credence Clearwater Revival.

Went to a party, where at I had my fill of assorted liquids. Wandered back to the Lodge expecting to possibly meet the new security machete toting security guard who covers the shop, lodge and gas station.  Went straight to the kitchen to cook a midnight rice meal, that was where I encountered him. I fixed him a plate which he ate with a mucho gracias. Later on I discovered that he was not the security guard, but just some guy who came to rob our rooms.

Day two I became the apparent dock chess master, a tournament must be in order to achieve any semblance to officialaity. The check mate came in a way I had never seen before, one that took me off guard and left me with wonder about the possibility of recreation. Chess is perhaps the most beautifully expansive game ever to be created by man. With every move you move closer towards individuality, creating a unique game that no one has ever played, making a series of moves no one has ever made. Something like 
16,000,000,000,000,000 of them.

More on dogs. You will see them hastily walking past you on the street, and when you ask them for the time they will just look up and back as they pass and say “I have a meeting across town”
At present I am on the floor sitting on a mat that smells like a horse stable, eating an “authentic falafel” with coleslaw in it, the second innaproiatly coleslawed meal today, the first being a “taco” otherwise known as a “burrito”, “enchilada”, “Quesada”, or “baleada”. I long for my 99 cent Union Square falafel.

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